DBT distress tolerance refers to a set of skills for coping with uncomfortable emotions (Linehan, 2015).

Distress Tolerance

Distress Tolerance Skills help an individual navigate uncomfortable or painful situations and manage urges to engage in harmful behaviors. Linehan (2015) divides distress tolerance skills into three categories: crisis survival techniques, sensory body awareness, and reality acceptance.

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Distress Tolerance Strategies

Impulsive and suicidal behaviors in DBT are considered maladaptive coping mechanisms resulting from the individual’s inability to tolerate distress long enough to pursue potentially more effective solutions. To counter these maladaptive behaviors, distress tolerance skills seek to aid the individual in coping with a crisis, through acceptance, distracting, and self-soothing strategies (Linehan, 2015).

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Distress Tolerance Media

Click on the videos to learn more about self-soothing techniques, radical acceptance, and fighting impulsive urges.

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