Understanding Emotion Regulation

Understanding Emotion Regulation

Emotion regulation skills help one understand and reduce vulnerability to emotions as well as how to change emotions that an individual wants to change (Linehan, 2015).

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The Impact of Challenges with Emotion Regulation for Clients and their Families

The Impact of Challenges with Emotion Regulation for Clients and their Families

Difficulties with emotion regulation include problems with recognizing emotions, with labeling and describing emotions, with avoidance of emotions, with what to do when an emotion is on the scene, and with managing rapidly shifting, volatile, or extremely intense emotions (Linehan, 2015). These challenges create a significant burden for clients and their families.

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Emotion Regulation Strategies

Emotion Regulation Strategies

Emotion regulation skills (i.e., strategies) seek to help the client understand and name emotions and change emotional responses by (1) checking the facts, (2) doing the opposite action, and (3) problem solving as well as learning to be mindful of emotions of current emotions, and managing extreme emotions (Linehan, 2015).

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